Jon and Brittany at the Battle in Seattle
Every year Central Washington plays in Seahawks Stadium (I'm not paid by the company that has naming rights to the stadium to say their name, thus, it's Seahawks Stadium until I get a check) every year and the last two years Western Oregon has come to town. Before that, the CWU/Western Washington rivalry was in place, but the liberal administrative whackos in Bellingham decided to get rid of a 100-year old tradition and cut football after 2008. That's another story.
Cutest couple on the field before the game.
Me and Scott Husar (left) and Sammy Henderson on the right. Scott does the stats during the Battle and Sammy is the spotter. I've known both for a long time and have gotten to work with Sammy for about six months out of the year for the last five or six years. We sit side by side each other for every CWU football and men's and women's bball games.
The golden voice on the PA mic. I actually figured I'd look a lot better than this. Brittany must have caught me saying Shawn Kaeleanamoku. Seriously.
Beautiful Brittany with the CWU marching band in the background.
The classic Jon and Brittany pose. Jon holds the camera, Brittany looks stunning.
Below are some pics that Brittany took of herself during the second half. When I downloaded the camera this morning, there were about 1,000 pics of her in the press box, and they were pretty much the same pose over and over again, seriously. Below are three of them.
Jon and Eric Sorensen. He's from K-Town and played football and baseball for the Coyotes. He plays baseball for CWU now and is their ball boy during the games. Brittany and I were on our way home. Eric and crew were on their way to a bar called Cowgirls, Inc. It sounded pretty nice.
This is me in action. I look and sound like a dork.