Garden updates...

This is Jon. I'm happy to report that our garden has taken a turn for the better. After a very wet May and early June, we weren't quite sure what to expect as we headed into the hot months of summer. The photos below are about a week or two old, but it shows some of the growth.

One of my gardening buddies hanging out with me in the corn. Delaney was helping out with the weeding one Saturday morning and was very supportive and full of encouragement.

Please take your attention away from the ground cover of weeds. We've been trying to weed every weekend, that doesn't always happen. We've also been trying to keep it as natural and chemical free. The corn is at least a foot higher today than what we see here. A few stalks are growing ears as well. Beans in the planter box in the foreground are already being picked. Brittany sauted some of them for dinner today.

My meathook of a fist giving you a comparisson of what my tomatoes look like on the Topsy Turvy. I have 11 tomatoes, four of which are significantly larger than the other seven.

This is my RED bell pepper. I have five RED peppers growing. All five RED peppers are green. We're hoping for a color change any day now.

Planter box full of carrots. See our progress below...

Cute gardener with her cute sample of the crop.


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