Garden shots and some fruits (and vegetables) of our labor

This is Jon. I figured I'd bore you with some more garden updates.

This is a look at our corn in action. The wind has returned after a great July and hot August and as you can see is being bent by the elements. Our corn ranges from 3 to 6+ feet in height and some have some mature ears, but won't be ready until Labor Day at the earliest I predict. 

Here's our topsy turvy tomato plant. We've picked about three or four, and will probably pick those two red ones within the next day or two. The trio of tomatoes directly above the two red ones are the biggest and we might pick those to speed up the ripening.

Some of our bounty: beans, bell pepper and tomato. Some good color there.

We've got plenty of carrots as well and we've only picked a quarter of what's out there. All veggies are from our back 40.

This has nothing to do with the garden, but this is a picture of Adelyn sleeping, which is nothing out of the ordinary for this girl since this was around midnight. However, she destroys her room after we put her to bed sometimes, but the real cute thing about this picture is the fact that she has to sleep with her new scooter in her room. She loves that thing, but it's almost like a security blanket for her.


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