A round of applause for my wifey.........
So the big news in the Kittitas Guddat Estates today was the fact that my wife, Brittany Guddat, now needs to be addressed as Mrs. Treasurer or Madame Boardmember. Yes, Brittany is now the Treasurer of the Kittitas Parent Group. She was an attractive candidate because...........well, she's attractive, but also because with Delaney being in kindergarten this year, Brittany was going to be around for a few years. The Kittitas Parent Group helps raise funds to cover the costs that state funding does not - for example, field trips - through bingo nights and other efforts. I want to help out with the Parent Group as well, but when I walked into the meeting, I felt about as uncomfortable as a dude walking into the all-women's club "Curves". Everything stopped, talking ceased and all heads turned in my direction. I took that cue to wave to my wife, turn around, flex my biceps slightly and leave the room.