Hunting for a Christmas Tree!

This is Jon. Instead of going to a tree lot or an organized tree farm, the last few years we've headed out with into the woods with a saw and a $5 forest pass to cut down our own tree. We've gone to a couple of places on Hwy 97 as you head up toward Blewett and went back to a place we haven't been to since we started this tradition. Two years ago, there was tons of snow. Last year - nothing. This year was a mix of 20 degree temps and enough snow to keep your toes cold.

My girls bundled up. Seriously. How lucky am I? Look at these beauties!

This is the very first tree we saw as we headed into the woods. The girls were game. I convinced them to look a little harder.

This is us along Swauk Creek. Yes, it's frozen. Yes, it made us colder just looking at it. There was a little bit of a trickle of creek movement, but that's about it.

Beautiful view. The scenery behind her is great, too.

How lucky am I to have a cute girl bundle up to brave the elements with me?

We found a trail named Porky Basin. It made it easier to manuever through the woods and fields.

Our little butterball, Adelyn, led the way on the trail.

The girls really had a great time. Up until the very end, both were great (Addy got a bit tired). Last year, Delaney every 30 seconds was sure we were lost in the woods and was adament about watching out for 20-foot tall bears that would eat us. This year, we just had to worry about deers according to Delaney.

Big tree. Little car. OK, I might have misjudged this a bit. I was able to angle it into the trunk without getting any branches broke or dragging on the road. We had a 30 minute drive to get home and the tree didn't lose a needle.


angela said…
great pictures! I especially enjoyed seeing an close up picture of Addy smiling! The girls are adorable. Nice work on the Griswald moment. Cracked me up. :)
Nana said…
Oh how funny and wonderful all at the same time. Great tradition! I really laughed looking at the tree in the trunk?!?! (how about tied down on the top of car?) Also, Hmm, :-) :-), Jon after helping your brother Jerrod pick out his family tree, didn't you learn (after taking the tree back & forth to continue trimming to fit)...Ha, oh well, it's great with whatever works!

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