It's Madness!

Jon and I entered March Madness brackets together and it certainly has been a test of the relationship:) No seriously though I had been beating Jon pretty soundly until about a few days ago when all my teams are essentially fell out of winning contention and Jon's slow and steady method caught up to me. It has been a lot of fun and complete begginner's luck on my part. Picking my brackets took all of 5 minutes, whereas Jon painstakingly worked on it for weeks. Well hopefully it pays off since there's a few bucks in the pot. You can see in the pic he was a sore loser at first especially when I was beating all his friends too!


Nana said…
Well, congratulations Brittany for getting as far on the brackets as you did...March Madness is not, IS NOT my thing! Hopefully Jon does great because you are right..he loves to win!
angela said…
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angela said…
It's a conspiracy! Syracuse should have won it all!!

I HATE MARCH MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRR...


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