A crushing defeat for the Glow Worms...

The Mighty Glow Worms suffered their first loss on Saturday, a crushing 6-2 defeat. Well, crushing and demoralizing for their coach...me. Our record on the season drops to 6-1-2 with one more game left, this weekend's season finale.
Adelyn and Tobin on defense on Saturday. You'll notice the kid they're playing against is wearing ski gloves. For crying out loud it was 50 degrees and wasn't raining. When I played soccer as a kid on the west side, it rained every game and was dark. C'mon.
Adelyn throwing the ball in to her friend Lauren while Davey watches on the left. Apparently my smiling Adelyn didn't get the memo that soccer is all business with nothing but your competitor face showing.
Adelyn, Lauren and Davey hot in pursuit of the ball.


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