Random July photos........
This is Jon. We've been busy this summer, but don't really have the photos to prove it. This was a couple of weeks ago. We didn't go on our usual trip to the ocean this year, so the girls convinced me to set up the tent in the backyard and camp there. After 10 bathroom breaks and then getting over the idea that Adelyn said "forget this, I'm sharing the bed inside with mommy" Delaney and I fell asleep very late into the night. Still fun to share the tent with the girls though. With the girls at Blue Grandpa and Grandma's Brittany and I decided to float the Yakima River. Good times. The water was cold, the weather would later be 100+ degrees, so it took about 30 seconds to get warm. Not bad. This is me moments before jumping off the cliffs midway down the canyon. My cliff was about 20-25 feet. We used to jump off the 30-35 footer back in the day. Still exhilarating though.