Pumpkin carving time!

This is Jon. A few days ago, we lined our kitchen table with newspapers to get set in carving our pumpkins. The girls were pretty excited and this was the first time Delaney wasn't too grossed out by the "guts" of the pumpkin. This year was Adelyn's first real exploration with carving as last year she was still all about simply eating.

A quick pose before creating wonderful art.

The girls really liked scooping the guts and seeds out of the pumpkin.

By Addy's expression, you would think there was a million dollars hidden in her pumpkin.

We decided on a classic jack-o-lantern look for Delaney's pumpkin.

Adelyn just wanted to hold the knife with her pumpkin. I had a nighttime sky theme in my head for Addy's pumpkin with moon, stars and a comet or two, but then I decided that I'm not the most artistic person in the world, so we just went with extremely deformed stars.

DRae poses with the pumpkins on the porch. She was the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz and had to try on her costume a few days beforehand.

This is the only picture I took of the three girls in front of the pumpkins, so sorry that Addy isn't in the greatest mood. She wanted to stand in front of the pumpkins.


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